Taken as I ran in San Diego in JulyAs I headed out for this week's long run, I wasn't sure whether I was going to be able to finish 15 miles. Because of the route I took, I ended up finishing 16 instead...although the last 3 were...challenging.
It was a typical Florida morning in September - warm and humid! I started at 6:30am, just as the sun was rising. Here are the splits:
Mile 1: 11:12 min/mi, AHR 144 (a bit fast)
Mile 2: 12:03 min/mi, AHR 150 (more like it!)
Mile 3: 12:09 min/mi, AHR 151
Mile 4: 12:16 min/mi, AHR 155
Mile 5: 12:07 min/mi, AHR 159 (I am now in anaerobic zone, 1st Clif Shot)
Mile 6: 12:01 min/mi, AHR 162
Mile 7: 12:37 min/mi, AHR 162
Mile 8: 12:11 min/mi, AHR 163
Mile 9: 12:28 min/mi, AHR 167 (took 2nd Clif Shot)
Mile 10: 12:31 min/mi, AHR 159 (this is right after water stop...heart rate lower)
Mile 11: 12:47 min/mi, AHR 164
Mile 12: 12:38 min/mi, AHR 166 (took 3rd Clif Shot)
Mile 13: 12:59 min/mi, AHR 166
Mile 14: 13:41 min/mi, AHR 163 (now it is getting tough - sun is out)
Mile 15: 13:57 min/mi, AHR 165
Mile 16: 15:28 min/mi, AHR 160 (walked much of this last mile)
Total: 3:25:20, 12:43 min/mi pace, AHR 160 bpm
Overall, a successful run because:
a) I wasn't even sure I could finish 15 miles
b) Felt pretty good most of the way
Interesting struggles during the last 2 miles. I began to have some asthmatic episodes - my chest would get tight and I would struggle to breath. I stopped several times (4 or 5 times) for this. I stopped my watch when I stopped. I usually have only experienced this after sprinting the very last part of my run.
Another interesting after effect - after I had completed the run, come into the house, and did some stretching - I had one of my old lower GI attacks. This is where I cramp up, and nearly pass out (everything begins to turn white and I feel light headed). Lying down helps this but it lasted for a good 15-20 min. This doesn't happen while I am working out - but after I have stopped. I haven't had one of these in a long time, so I was surprised.
So an interesting long run in its own right. I got to see
Shirley and her husband Dave twice during my run - once on my way out and again on the way back. It is great to have encouragement when running alone!
This week I will be on travel again. Hopefully I can get some mileage in to build up to next weekend!
Run strong everyone!