Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fast Finish part 2

I had a thought while running this morning...okay, once my brain wakes up I have lots of thoughts while running, but this one could actually lead to something :-)

We could use Buckeyeoutdoors to log our total miles. We create a new account and everyone who is contributing logs their miles. We could use the different workout icons for each person. That way folks can log their miles as they go and no one has to gather and report. What do you think? It looks like you could have a team log there as well, but I don't know how that works (maybe Terry knows). If we get this up and running soon we can start with June and see how many miles we can log together before our marathons this fall.

Training report:

Yesterday after my Fast Finish run (thanks Shirley for putting a name to my unusual run pace) and after a full day at work, I did 10 min on the elliptical and strength training.

This morning I did nearly the same run as yesterday except that at about 3.6 miles I stopped to talk to another runner who I see most mornings. So it is not an equal comparison to yesterday, and probably is why I had more juice at the end of the run. However, the splits went the same way:

Mile 1: 11:28
Mile 2: 11:08
Mile 3: 11:01
Mile 4: 10:23
Mile 5: 9:52

Total - 5.06 miles in 54:20 min
AHR - 156 bpm MHR - 174 bpm

Today is my "2 a day" day so I will do an easy 3 later this evening!

Let me know what you think of the Buckeyeoutdoors idea for logging miles!


Irish Blue said...

Wow, you're inspiring me. You've already been running, meeting neighbors, and blogging brilliant ideas and I'm on my first cup of coffee. I'm a slacker!

I love the idea.

Kevin said...

Buckeyeoutdoors sounds great to me. But do I HAVE to run a FULL marathon? I must admit, the idea has been rolling around in my head WAY more lately then at any time since my last marathon (1995 Twin Cities).

Unknown said...

A couple of ideas:

In BuckeyeOutdoors, there is a "My Team" link... this allows you see the workouts of other people on your team (which are other BuckeyeOutdoors members that you want to follow). This doesn't do total mileage, but I can ask Ben if that is something he can make as an option in the future.

Second, you could make a separate blogger account and put everyone's Workout Totals sidebar in that blog and that would act as a landing pad to check everyone's mileage.

Susan said...

Sounds great! Sign me up! Ha.

Maddy said...

I think we starting June 1st works really well - fits nicely as a clean start.

We can all add that to our sidebar?

Now we need a name for it...

MarathonChris said...

Kevin - half marathon's can be included on this as well. I was thinking half and full when I used "marathon." But hey, if you are up for a full...

You have had quite a year (and it's not over yet). I would fully understand if you stuck with a half :-)

Terry - I like your idea. Does everyone have a Buckeyeoutdoors account (it's free). I am happy to make the blog site - we need a creative name and theme. Something to think about on our runs :-)

Petraruns said...

Ok I'm late to the party - I thought I was coming up with something and here wonderful Chris has got it all sorted! Count me in Chris this is brilliant!

And Kevin - a half is fantastic and would be an amazing achievement in a year of achievements...

Cory said...

I am in! I already have a buckeye Outdoor account and am tracking under "Corman".

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what you guys are working on with buckeyeoutdoors (sounds interesting), but is there something I can do to enhance your experience with the site?

Shoot me an email ->
