Sunday, January 14, 2007

I Have a Plan!!

After this morning's run and earlier blog entry, I surfed around the internet for information on post marathon recovery. Seems that one needs a plan for post marathon recovery as much as they need a plan for preparing for the race. There were a number of different views. Most agree that one should wait about a month before preparing for another race. You don't have to take the month off - just back off a bit on the training.

Because I am one of those folks motivated by goals, I decided to make the Winter Park Road Race (10K) on March 24, 2007 as my next target race. I am adopting Hal Higdon's 10K Intermediate Training program as my plan for running a faster race. It introduces tempo, repeats and strength training into my routine. I am pretty excited about it.

I don't really begin the program in earnest until the end of this month. I am also going to see how well my body and heel hold up to running as frequently as this program calls for to see if I do ok. And I made a modification - instead of a 3 mile run on Mon I shortened it. Normally I don't run the day after my long runs. These long runs are not so far so it isn't such a big deal, but again, we will see how it goes.

I may adjust as needed....but I am happy I now have a plan :-).

If anyone is interested, you can view my plan at Buckeye Outdoors. My log is listed under 'bouwensc'. You don't need a login to look at other logs, however, this site is great for maintaining your own logs and it is free! Steve of Phedippediations has his log there as well.


ShirleyPerly said...

Good for you! I'm sure you'll be challenged by that new training HH 10K program.

BTW, have you heard about the possible serial rapist in the UCF area targetting joggers? I posted the police sketches of the perp on my blog.

MarathonChris said...

I had not heard of the serial rapist. But now that you have told me I will be sure to carry my pepper spray and bring hubby along for runs on campus.

I ran today in Research Park to campus but it is pretty busy at lunch time.