I think that my running is evolving over time. Kind of the way that our life evolves over time. It starts out fresh and new, matures, and evolves as life changes and adjusts. It is all good!
I was noticing that I am not posting as often as I used to here on the blog - life and it's many distractions causes me to change my focus. Change is a good thing. I saw a good quote this morning. It goes something like "I am not retreating, I am advancing in a different direction." I like that quote :-)
But I am running! I am not quite up to 20+ miles a week but should hit that in the coming week. My long run of 5 miles was long and slow - 12:30-ish pace of running 1 min and walking 1 minute. But the speed will come, and the ease of the run will come. On the one hand it is disappointing to see how small the number of miles are and how slow they can be - but on the other hand, I know one key thing:
I have done this before!!!
I have started out at this point and built up to those brutal 22 mile training runs. I have started here and built up to the 10:30 min/mi pace for a 5 miler. I have conquered this hill before, and I know I can do it again.
So, I am rejoicing, because I get out there, I run-walk-move, and I get it done!
And that is good enough for me!
Isn't it strange how some part of our brain thrives on the cyclic-reward part of this sport? I was JUST thinking about this same thing this morning, as I trudged through my 7-mile run at 11:30 min-mile pace. Knowing that not too long ago, we were doing 22-milers and they felt relative to this 5-7 mile long run thing that we both must be into right now, is a so strangely inspiring. Keep up the GOOD work. You sound like you have an amazingly sound and balanced mindset...
I agree with you completely - on the change, and on the running thing. You'll be back at it, and back into it. And you may or may not be back at more blogging but we'll take what we can get. Good luck with it all!
That is a GREAT quote. And this post just resonates positive attitude, I love it!
I like that quote too!!
Thanks for the update. Summer is a tough time to be running in Orlando as we all know. As with running marathons, I think it's more mental than physical and you seem to have that end down. Keep it up!
Way to go sister, I'm proud of you. I can't wait until we finally will beable to do one together.
I am so with you... I am at the same point. Thinking how I could do 20-milers, and so on...
The hills are there, for us to conquer... and we can do it time after time after time...
Anytime soon coming to Seattle?
Well, we'll wait until destiny decides for a trip to the same place. I am not traveling anymore either. California is over (hubby was laid off). Though bad news it was an awesome news, because after all I have gone through this year, we are together for good. My project in DC was over as I was moving to Italy, but Italy was canceled also due to cancer... So, I stayed in beautiful Seattle, and enjoying being settled and not traveling (though I did enjoy traveling...)
Coincidentally I did 10 intervals today at 8:34 min/mile. They were good... I have to shoot for a marathon, only way to get serious...
keep running....
Great attitude Chris. I've always admired your ability to juggle so much. But sometimes you have to let a ball fall and pick it up later.
Like the quote too.
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